What Python can learn from Haskell

Bob Ippolito (@etrepum)
EuroPython Berlin
21 July 2014


Who am I?

  • Python user since 2001 (simplejson, Mac stuff)
  • Founded Mochi Media (2005-2012, sold in 2010)
  • Haskell user since 2012 (ported exercism.io curriculum)
  • Doing a bit of advising/investing in startups
  • Currently focusing on code education non-profit Mission Bit

Python is not all bad!

  • I love Python's community
  • Many great ideas and libraries come from here
  • Works wonderfully for many users
  • Workarounds exist for most issues (PyPy, Numba, Cython, …)

Haskell is not all good!

  • Smaller community
  • Non-strict evaluation
  • Sometimes documentation is an academic paper
  • Different terminology (Monoid, Functor, Monad, …)

Ignorance is bliss

  • If you are perfectly happy with Python, and don't want it to change even a little bit, you might want to leave now :)
  • I was a lot happier with Python until I started learning Erlang and then Haskell
  • … but I'm a better programmer because of it (Blub Paradox?)

Nasty little paradox: the better something works, the less likely it'll be improved.

Richard O'Keefe

Python makes […] hard

  • writing code that works
  • maintaining code
  • creating good abstractions
  • running code efficiently


  • You will make mistakes in any language
  • Python defers all type checking to runtime
  • Static analysis tools for Python are primitive
  • Writing code to test for common mistakes is a lot of work

Python nonsense

  • The Python language guarantees that this should raise TypeError
"""This module is nonsense!"""

def main():
    """What is this, JavaScript?"""
    print(1 + "1")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Let's see what Python thinks

$ python -mcompileall nonsense.py 
Compiling nonsense.py ...
$ echo $?

pyflakes to the rescue?

$ pyflakes nonsense.py 
$ echo $?

What about Pylint?

$ pylint --enable=all nonsense.py

Global evaluation
Your code has been rated at 10.00/10

Do better tools exist?

  • Nothing I could find could catch this simple case
  • Most tools are concerned with the general case of Python, which makes it very difficult to do anything useful
  • Python 3 already has syntax for function annotations, and we've had decent AST tools for years
  • Will talk about one promising option in a bit

Erlang nonsense


start() ->
    io:format("~p", [1 + "1"]).

erlc nonsense

$ erlc -Werror nonsense.erl 
compile: warnings being treated as errors
nonsense.erl:5: this expression will fail with a
  'badarith' exception
$ echo $?
  • Note that Erlang is a dynamic language!

Erlang dialyzer nonsense

$ dialyzer nonsense.erl 
nonsense.erl:4: Function start/0 has no local return
nonsense.erl:5: The call erlang:'+'(1,[49,...])
  will never return since it differs in the 2nd
  argument from the success typing arguments:
 done in 0m0.52s
done (warnings were emitted)

Haskell nonsense

main = print (1 + "1")

Haskell nonsense

main :: IO ()
main = print (1 + "1")

ghc nonsense

$ ghc nonsense.hs 
[1 of 1] Compiling Main  ( nonsense.hs, nonsense.o )

  No instance for (Num [Char]) arising from
    a use of ‘+’
  In the first argument of ‘print’,
    namely ‘(1 + "1")’
  In the expression: print (1 + "1")
  In an equation for ‘main’: main = print (1 + "1")

No instance for… WTF?

No instance for (Num [Char]) arising from a use of '+'
  • By default, strings in Haskell are lists of Char.
  • Operations such as +, -, *, negate belong to the Num typeclass (handwavingly similar to a Python ABC)
  • Only truly numeric types such as Int, Double, Integer, Rational have built-in instances for the Num typeclass
  • You could (but absolutely should not!) implement such an instance to make this code compile. Don't do that. Seriously.

Why is refactoring hard?

  • Very hard to refactor without good tests
  • Types are the obvious tests and documentation
  • Refactoring in Haskell is easier due to types and referential transparency
  • Can we do something like this in Python? Yes.

"""Breadth-first traversal"""

def breadth_first(starting_node,

    """Yield all nodes reachable from starting_node"""
    visited = []
    queue = [starting_node]
    while queue:
        node = queue[0]; del queue[:1] # queue.pop(0)
        if node not in visited:
            yield node

"""Breadth-first traversal"""
from typing import List, Dict, Iterator

def breadth_first(starting_node: int,
                  edges: Dict[int, List[int]])
                  -> Iterator[int]:
    """Yield all nodes reachable from starting_node"""
    visited = List[int]()
    queue = [starting_node]
    while queue:
        node = queue[0]; del queue[:1] # queue.pop(0)
        if node not in visited:
            yield node

"""Breadth-first traversal"""
from typing import List, Dict, Set, Iterator
from collections import deque

def breadth_first(starting_node: int,
                  edges: Dict[int, List[int]])
                  -> Iterator[int]:
    """Yield all nodes reachable from starting_node"""
    visited = Set[int]()
    queue = deque([starting_node])
    while queue:
        node = queue[0]; del queue[:1] # queue.pop(0)
        if node not in visited:
            yield node

breadth_first2.py: In function "breadth_first":
breadth_first2.py, line 11:
  deque[int] has no attribute "__delitem__"
breadth_first2.py, line 14:
  Set[int] has no attribute "append"

"""Breadth-first traversal"""
from typing import Iterator, Dict, List, Set
from collections import deque

def breadth_first(starting_node: int,
                  edges: Dict[int, List[int]])
                  -> Iterator[int]:
    """Yield all nodes reachable from starting_node"""
    visited = Set[int]()
    queue = deque([starting_node])
    while queue:
        node = queue.popleft()
        if node not in visited:
            yield node

Solution: mypy?

  • mypy is the most sensible approach I've seen so far
  • The author needs some help! There are many tasks to do that do not require deep knowledge of mypy or type systems
  • mypy does not yet catch the 1 + "1" error yet, but can catch many other mistakes such as the refactoring example
  • Why not X (PyPy, Nuitka, …): these projects do nothing to assist with correctness and code quality!

Modest mypy proposal

  • Start using typing module even in vanilla Python 3
  • Support typing annotations in documentation tools
  • Stop using PEP 3107 function annotations for any other purpose
  • Start using mypy to typecheck code when running tests / continuous integration
  • Start contributing to mypy! :)

So what?

  • Code quality tools for Python are far behind other languages
  • mypy is a huge step forward and can be used with existing Python 3 syntax and interpreter
  • Would have to give up using function annotations for other purposes


  • Mutability is the wrong default
  • Very common source of bugs
  • Prevents many optimizations (sharing, lock-free, etc.)
  • Should be opt-in

Why is mutability wrong?

  • Hard to understand code when underlying data might change
  • Defensive programming is difficult
  • Sharing is prevented by copying
  • Concurrent access requires synchronization

Can we even fix this?

  • Requires large changes to the language and libraries :(
  • See Rust or Swift for good examples
  • Haskell goes all the way (perhaps too far)
  • Maybe opt-in immutability (Swift's let) is more practical for Python?

Expensive Abstractions

  • Nothing is free. Function calls, classes, etc. do not typically get optimized away
  • Classes aren't easy to analyze for correctness, as they are always open. Subclasses ruin everything.

Algebraic Data Types

  • Python has grown many hacks such as Enum, namedtuple, etc. that solve small parts of this problem
  • Haskell (and other ML family languages) have an elegant solution to this

class AST(object):
    def eval(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

class Constant(AST):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def eval(self):
        return self.value

class Minus(AST):
    def __init__(self, node):
        self.node = node

    def eval(self):
        return self.node.eval()

class Add(AST):
    def __init__(self, left, right):
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

    def eval(self):
        return self.left.eval() + self.right.eval()

class Multiply(AST):
    def __init__(self, left, right):
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

    def eval(self):
        return self.left.eval() * self.right.eval()

ADT in Haskell

module NumAST ( AST(..), eval ) where

data AST = Constant Int
         | Add AST AST
         | Minus AST
         | Multiply AST AST
         deriving (Show, Eq)

eval :: AST -> Int
eval node = case node of
  Constant n   -> n
  Add a b      -> eval a + eval b
  Minus n      -> negate (eval n)
  Multiply a b -> eval a * eval b

class Add(AST):
    def __init__(self, left, right):
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

    def eval(self):
        return self.left.eval() + self.right.eval()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (isinstance(other, Add) and
                self.left == other.left and
                self.right == other.right)

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Add(%r, %r)' % (self.left, self.right)

Wrapping can be free

  • Haskell can define a wrapper for an existing data type at no runtime space cost (newtype)
  • Strict fields can be inlined without boxing (no object overhead)
  • Functions can be inlined (even cross-module)
  • No reason for 1 + True == 2


  • Everything I've talked about provide more ahead-of-time information
  • This information could be used by PyPy, Numba, Cython, etc.
  • These features save developer time by making it easier to write correct code
  • More information means more opportunities for optimization, so can lead to better performance
  • Writing less code in C/C++ will allow the language to improve much more quickly (thank you PyPy!)


  • The Python C API and current semantics make removing the GIL a non-starter
  • Fixing other deficiencies in the language will make the necessary refactorings easier, and in Python
  • Mixed approach with workers written in a Python subset might be a nice transitional step (PyParallel)


  • Incorporate all of the good ideas from mypy into Python
  • Add some more of the conveniences from modern languages
  • Enjoy a safer, faster, more capable Python








