Bob Ippolito (@etrepum) on Haskell, Python, Erlang, JavaScript, etc.

Erlang in Print (almost)


Erlang finally has a book out in print again (almost): Programming Erlang, written by Joe Armstrong. The best part of the story is that the publisher is allowing a combo purchase of a beta PDF plus the print book when it's available. How cool is that? I think this model makes a lot of sense with the speed that technologies move these days. Imagine how much they could have made riding the Ruby on Rails hype train a few months earlier than any other publisher with a 70% finished beta PDF plus a print book when available?

I've purchased the book and read through what's available in the beta PDF so far. It definitely does not disappoint: this is the Erlang book and it will be for some time to come.

If you're particularly interested I also highly recommend reading Joe Armstrong's doctoral thesis paper (Making Reliable Systems in the Presence of Software Errors), which has a lot of overlap with what the beta PDF covers and what the book will cover when it's finished. There's also a lot of interesting information in the thesis that may or may not end up in the book such as the history and evolution of Erlang and some interesting case studies.