simplejson 1.8.1
simplejson is a simple, fast, complete, correct and extensible JSON (RFC 4627) encoder/decoder for Python 2.3+. It is pure Python code with no dependencies.
simplejson 1.8.1 is a major update:
- Optional C extension for accelerating the decoding of JSON strings
- Command line interface for pretty-printing JSON (via python -msimplejson)
- Decoding of integers and floats is now extensible (e.g. to use Decimal) via parse_int, parse_float options.
- Subversion and issue tracker moved to google code: http://code.google.com/p/simplejson/
- Misc. bug fixes
There is one incompatible change:
- "/" is no longer escaped, so if you're embedding JSON directly in HTML you'll want to use .replace("/", "\\/") to prevent a close-tag attack. Sorry, but the in-HTML use case just isn't worth the bloat in everyone else's documents.