PyObjC and unicode
There's a constant battle in PyObjC about what to do about regular str instances, since Foundation doesn't have a data type that's unencoded bytes (NSData) and text (NSString) at the same time. Up to now, str instances were be converted to NSString using Python's default encoding (sys.getdefaultencoding()), which is basically always ascii and will raise an exception, which is really never what you want. I committed a change this week that will hopefully be a least worst of both worlds solution:
- Added OC_PythonUnicode and OC_PythonString classes that preserve the identity of str and unicode objects across the bridge. Additionally, bridge for str now uses the default encoding of NSString, rather than sys.getdefaultencoding() from Python. For Mac OS X, this is typically MacRoman. The reason for this is that not all Python str instances could cross the bridge at all previously. objc.setStrBridgeEnabled(False) will still trigger warnings, if you are attempting to track down an encoding bug. However, the symptoms of the bug will be incorrectly encoded text, not an exception.
This lets NSString decide what encoding to use (generally, MacRoman), so you still get garbage in garbage out, but:
- It's lossless (garbage in, same garbage out)
- 7-bit ASCII safe (usually when str is used for text, it is just ascii)
- Doesn't raise exceptions in strange places
- If it was data (not text) and you were just putting it in a container or something, it will still be data when you get it back
NeXT/Apple definitely did strings in a very nice way. Rather than deciding there should be one and only one way to do them, they made NSString a class cluster where you can have any concrete implementation you want. The only methods your concrete classes have to implement are:
- -(unsigned)length:
- Return the number of characters in the string
- -(unichar)characterAtIndex:(unsigned)index:
- Return the character at that index (or raise an exception)
There are, of course, additional methods that a concrete subclass of NSString can implement for efficiency.
Doing strings in this way has some nice advantages:
- If they wanted to trade up unichar to 32 bits, it would require minimal changes to the source code
- You can use whatever backing store you need to use, with whatever properties it needs to have (i.e. mmap backed store, a constant in the code that never gets freed, a length-prefixed string, whatever!)
- You can use whatever encoding you want to use, and conversion doesn't take place until you do something with it
In Python's case, OC_PythonUnicode is actually a zero-copy concrete subclass of NSString (if Python's unicode characters are the same size as unichar, anyway). Python can't do ANYTHING like this:
- The backing store of a Python unicode object must be controlled by Python (i.e. you can't point to a constant string, you can't point to a slice of another unicode object, etc.). This throws zero-copy strategies out the window.
- The encoding of a Python unicode object must be UCS-2 (or UCS-4, depending on configure time options)
So, that sucks... but at least Python does have good unicode support, unlike some other languages with similar heritage.