ANN: py2app 0.2
py2app 0.2 is a minor bug fix release. You can download it from pythonmac.org packages. PyObjC 1.3.5 ships with py2app 0.2, so if you have that, you have already upgraded to py2app 0.2!
Functional changes:
- New datamodels option to support CoreData. Compiles .xcdatamodel files and places them in the Resources dir (as .mom).
- New use-pythonpath option. The py2app application bootstrap will no longer use entries from PYTHONPATH unless this option is used.
- py2app now persists information about the build environment (python version, executable, build style, etc.) in the Info.plist and will clean the executable before rebuilding if anything at all has changed.
- bdist_mpkg now builds packages with the full platform info, so that installing a package for one platform combination will not look like an upgrade to another platform combination.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug in standalone building, where a rebuild could cause an unlaunchable executable.
- Plugin bootstrap should compile/link correctly with gcc 4.
- Plugin bootstrap no longer sets PYTHONHOME and will restore PYTHONPATH after initialization.
- Plugin bootstrap swaps out thread state upon plug-in load if it is the first to initialize Python. This fixes threading issues.